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Michigan, United States
I am a mommy of 7 year old boy/girl twins, as well as two additional daughters ages 2 and 4 and a teenage step son!! Life is always crazy around here!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Avacado Baby Food

Baby's Mashed Avocado

Peel and de-pit a ripe avocado ( ripe avacado's are soft not firm)

 mash with a fork

There is   no need to use a machine just like bananas, avocados have a very soft consistency. Avocados do not need to be cooked.

Below are some nutritional facts for avacado baby food as well  my source.
You might be surpised to know that though not a selection in jarred baby food, avocado is an excellent first food for your baby. In fact, renowned pediatrician, Dr. William Sears ranks it #1 on his top ten list of fruits for babies because avocado nutrition is well-suited for a baby's growing development.

Avocado Nutrition Information

Compared to other fruits appropriate for babies (and yes, avocado is a fruit), avocado is considered to have the highest nutritional value packed into it's bumpy, dark green skin. Avocados will nourish your baby as they are rich in in protein, fiber, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid, and zinc. You won't find this sort of diverse nutrient density in many other fruits.

Fat Content and Avocados

You might ask, so what about the fat content in avocados? Isn't that a problem? Well, it could be if you are an adult trying to loose weight or a mom trying to return to her pre-pregnancy size, but for a baby, not so much of a concern.

The fat calories in avocado are of the heart-healthy variety (no cholestrol, monounsaturated fat), but they do increase your calorie count. That being said, avocados also contain desirable Omega 3 fatty acids and are free of sodium. For a developing, growing baby, the type of fats and the caloric value is a good thing. Particularly, avocados are often recommended as a food for babies, who are aged about 6 months or older and who are experiencing slow weight gain.

Types of Avocados and Fat Content

If you are looking for avocado for either a higher or lower fat content, you can be choosy on what type of avocado you buy. Florida avocados are considered to have around half the fat and two thirds the calories of California avocados.

Avocado Nutrition Facts

Here's the breakdown of nutrition facts on avocados. Serving size is 1 oz. or about 1/5 of a medium size California avocado.

•Calories: 50

•Fat calories: 35

•Total fat: 4.5 g

•Saturated fat: .5 g

•Polyunsaturated fat: .5 g

•Monounsaturated fat: 3 g

•Potassium: 140 mg

•Total carbohydrate: 3 g

•Dietary fiber: 1 g

•Protein: 1 g

•Vitamin E: 4%

•Riboflavin: 4%

•Vitamin B6: 4%

•Pantothenic acid: 4%

•Magnesium: 2%

•Copper: 2%

•Vitamin C: 4%

•Iron: 2%

•Thiamin: 2%

•Niacin: 4%

•Folate: 8%

•Phosphorous: 2%

•Zinc: 2%

•Manganese: 2%

1 comment:

  1. Avocado is a great first food for your baby. It is an excellent source of good fat, and it can be bought year round in the store. These avocado baby food recipes add an array of nutrients to your baby's diet. Thanks a lot...
